Bobby was observed by his grandfather praying one night; but to his surprise, he heard Bobby to say: "Tokyo, Tokyo, Tokyo." After Bobby had finished his prayer Grandpa said, "Son, I was very pleased to see you praying, but tell me, why did you kept saying ’Tokyo, Tokyo, Tokyo?" Bobby replied, "Well, I finished taking my geography test in school today, and I have been praying for the Lord to make Tokyo the Capital of China." 59. Pastor: Bobby, do you pray every day? Bobby: I pray almost every day. Almost on Mondays, almost on Tuesdays, almost on Wednesdays, almost on Thursdays, almost on Fridays … etc! 58. Bobby: Lord, help me slow downandnotrushthroughwhatIdo.Amen! 57. Bobby: Dear God, Help me to keep my mind on one th - Look a bird! - at a time. Amen 56. Bobby prayed a silent prayer before giving a talk to his classmates in school. Dear God, I know it's all right to have butterflies in your stomach. Just get them to fly in formation. Amen 55. Bobby was in church with his father when he started feeling ill. "Daddy," he said, "can we leave now?" "No," his father replied. "Well, would you pray for me I think I have to throw up?" "No, go out the front door and around to the back of the church and throw up behind a bush." After about 60 seconds the Bobby returned to his seat. "Did you throw up?" Dad asked. "Yes." "How could you have gone all the way to the back of the church and returned so quickly?" "I didn't have to go out of the church, Daddy. There is a box next to the front door that says, 'For the Sick.' 54. Bobby decided to skip Sunday school one Sunday morning and head to the local forest. As he rounded the corner on a perilous twist in the trail, he and a bear collided, sending him tumbling down the hillside. The bad news was the ferocious bear was charging at him from a distance, and he couldn't move. "Oh Lord," Bobby prayed, "I'm so sorry for skipping Sunday school today. Please forgive me and grant me just one wish.... please make a Christian out of this bear that's coming at me!" That very instant, the bear skidded to a halt, fell to its knees, clasped its paws together and began to pray aloud right at Bobby’s feet. "Dear Lord, bless this food I am about to receive... Amen." 53. Bobby: Dear God, if you let me make this foul shot I promise to stop skipping church to Play Ball. 52. Bobby’s father ask his family; “What should we include in our evening prayers?” Bobby quickly answered; “Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our church and city." 51. Bobby asked his father; “Why do they say 'Amen' at the end of a prayer instead of 'Awomen'?" Father: “The same reason we sing Hymns instead of Hers!” |